UN Update: 2024 Roster

The UN 2024 roster is full. 

The schedule includes the following:

62nd Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD62)
  • The 62nd session of the Commission on Social Development will take place February 5-11th in New York. The Commission is the advisory body responsible for the social development pillar of global development.To read more about the Commission please click here.

Fostering social development and social justice through social policies to accelerate progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieve the overarching goal of poverty eradication.

The NGO Committee on Social Development which Dominicans are members, is dedicated to raising awareness and holding discussions on social development issues taken up by the UN System and in particular by the UN Commission for Social Development. The committee holds a Civil Society Forum and other capacity-building and outreach events at the Commission. 

CSocD62 Civil Society Forum
  • The Civil Society Forum on the CSocD62 Priority Theme, 9 February 2024 

The Forum is hosted jointly by UNDESA-DISD, the NGO Committee on Social Development, and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Foundation. The Forum is a time for NGOs worldwide to learn about each other’s work, and to prepare for the Commission, including by work on position papers and interventions. For more information, please click here

Please read the Declaration that the Civil Society NGO created as a response to the CSOCD Commission. As members of this NGO committee, we signed onto the declaration.
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Justice Coalition of Religious (JCOR) at the UN has prepared a guide to follow for the CSOCD.

Click here to view the guide. 

  • The next Commission on the Status of Women will take place from March 11-23, 2024.

The priority theme for this year’s commission is: Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and empowering all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.

Our NGO at the UN is again hosting Dominicans from around the world and in the U.S. to attend the commission. If you are interested in attending the Commission, please register by January 26th. Please click here to register for CSW 68.

You will need to create an account under the organization – Dominican Leadership Conference. Once completed, Sr. Dusty will be notified that you have registered and she will approve you. You will then get a letter back from the UN. When you get the letter, make two copies of it and bring it with you on Sunday, March 9, when we go to get your badge. 

There will be several international sisters in attendance. They will be coming from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, and around the US. We are looking forward to engaging with these sisters and welcoming them to the US. 

Here are a few reasons why sisters are coming to the Commission on the Status of Women:

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Sr. Eneida Santiago, OP Adrian Sister 
Dominican Republic

Participating in the CSW would improve my ministry since it would give me more tools to promote gender equality in the being and actions of the people with whom I work daily in the DR. Incorporate the perspective of equality and gender equity in the classroom, in the training practices of educators, and in non-formal education processes, and promoting leadership with a gender perspective, and the greater participation of women in decision-making bodies. of decisions in their areas of action. Also promotes the use of non-sexist language and equitable gender participation in the various decision-making bodies.

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Sr. Yelitza 
Puerto Rico

Since the founding of CODALC, the Dominican Sisters have had the mission of liberating the marginalization experienced by the majority in Latin America and the Caribbean. This continent, called by Paul VI, the Continent of the young hope, has had a history marked by poverty and exploitation and, especially women, have suffered violence and marginalization. Today, the Dominican Sisters continue with our mission, joining efforts so that each woman recognizes herself as a daughter of God, with inviolable dignity. Attending the CSW will help me serve as a spokesperson and bridge for my Dominican Sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean by bringing them information, data and tools to continue our work. This experience will also help me evaluate our ministry and discover if what we are doing is in line with the rest of the efforts that are being made for the benefit of women. Also, I hope to be able to acquire knowledge about new ways to help, acquire tools so that our mission could be more effective and achieve that more people become aware of gender equality and have women and children, families, in decent living conditions with peace, justice and God among them.

Sr. Patricia Dual, OP. Peace Dominican
Coordinator of Formation

When asked by my Prioress if I would be interested in attending the CSW 68 gathering at t the United Nations, I was intrigued.  I have never been involved in anything on the international level. However, I was drawn to hearing and participating in discussions that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. I am certainly aware of the gender inequality that continues to be prevalent in US society and around the world, but this would be a new experience for me. I am interested in hearing and understanding how the international community is at work in advancing both gender equality and the empowerment of women around the world.  Perhaps this exposure may lead me to find some small way that I may contribute to this endeavor of advancing the rights of women. Participation in this event will broaden my knowledge of this topic, beyond my personal experience as an African American woman. I will acquire knowledge that is shared with my congregation and the women I encounter in my ministry.  Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Currently, I am the Coordinator of Formation for the Dominican Sisters of Peace.  I am based in Columbus, OH.  Each of our women in formation has a formation minister that they interact with either weekly or monthly, based on their stage of initial formation.  My role is to coordinate the process and collaborate with both the formation minister and the woman in formation. This includes meetings and evaluations with their local communities and formation minister.  My role encompasses journeying with new members as candidates, novices, and temporary professed. I also liaison with a member of our congregational leadership team.

  • Following the CSW 68 will be the Indigenous Peoples Forum from April 15-26, 2024.

As we prepare for this forum, please take a look at this short video that was produced at COP 28 in Dubai. More information to follow as we get closer to the date of the Forum.

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  • Finally:  The High Level Political Forum 2024

Amid all these commissions and forums is the preparation for the upcoming High-Level Political Forum. Starting a Digital Delegation on January 15th each month JCOR will present an orientation leading up to the HLPF in July. We hope some of our sisters whose countries are up for review will join us. There are 44 countries up for review this summer.  The link to register for the digital orientation Zoom is here. For more description of the HLPF, click here