The Summit of The Future – September 2024

The Summit of the Future in September 2024 in New York will be an inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future. It will have chapters on sustainable development and financing for development. It will address international peace and security.  It will also address science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation. The summit will also focus on youth and future generations as well as transforming global governance.  

The hope is that there will be a global digital compact and a declaration on future generations (Resolution 76/307).  

The summit will be co-facilitated by member states of Namibia and Germany (Pact), Zambia and Sweden (Digital), and Jamaica and the Netherlands (Future Generations): . 

The purpose of the summit is to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. We only have six years to fulfill the SDGs.  The summit will definitely address financing, international peace and security as well as science and digital cooperation. 

The summit will reaffirm the UN Charter and attempt to gain fuller support for multilateralism. The summit hopes to increase the member states’ commitments and not only agree on solutions but meet the new challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

In order to prepare member states to understand the summit of the future. The Secretary General, Antonio Guterres developed a series of policy briefs on the following topics: Future Generations; Emergency Platform; Meaningful Youth Engagement; Looking beyond domestic product; Global Digital Compact that is open, free secure and human centered; and an Agenda for Peace and Transforming Education. To read more in depth on these policy briefs please click here. 

The Dominican Leadership Conference hopes to welcome two of our Roman Dominican Sisters from Brazil and Burkino Faso to attend the Summit of the Future here in New York next month.  Please keep these two sisters in your prayers who await their visas to come to the summit. They are Sisters Anna Paula Correa and Ahossi Metole Mireille Magolaine.  We look forward to welcoming them to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.