Un Update: Upcoming Meetings

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Over the next few months, we will be gearing up for two important meetings at the UN: The World Social Summit of 2025 and The Summit of the Future September 2024.

Both are concepts delivered to the UN delegates by the Secretary General’s Office. The Summit of the Future hopes to strengthen international cooperation to respond to new threats and opportunities for present and future generations. The hope is to restore trust in multilateralism and each other.

The Summit of the Future follows up on the SDG Summit of last September 2023. It was a mid-point celebration of what has been achieved. It was truly a celebration by youth and member states. Displays were presented all over the UN inside and out. 

The Summit of the Future will be based on the Secretary General’s document: Our Common Agenda.

In  addition, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Safeguarding the future
  • Managing Global Shocks
  • Meaningful Inclusion of Young People
  • Measuring what we value
  • A Global Financial System that works for all
  • Sharing the Benefits of Space
  • A New Agenda for Peace
  • Transforming Education
  • Integrity in information
  • UN 2.0

The Future of the Summit in September promises to be a very full agenda and quite a promise on the part of the UN.