An Update from the UN: CSOCD 60

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CSOCD 60 theme is: “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all:  eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda.” be held from February 7-16, 2022.  

This week at the UN, the Commission on Social Development begins. The Civil Society Forum working group will kick off its FORUM with an Orientation on Friday, February 4.. The CSOCD working group has an excellent relationship with the Commission and its director, so much so that on the Commission website the Working group is highlighted with its agenda as well as that of the Commission that It will officially begin February 7th through the 16.. Each year a different theme related to the Sustainable Development Goals is announced. The focus this year’s theme is eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms. It is a timely theme considering the impact that the pandemic has had on food security and poverty worldwide. 

Each commission is made up of a Bureau. Its role is the preparations for and in ensuring a successful outcome of the commission. Bureau members for this session are:

ChairH.E. Ms. María del Carmen SqueffArgentina
Vice-ChairpersonsMr. Stefano GuerraPortugal
Ms. Hellen M. Chifwaila (Designate)Zambia
Mr. Jiakun Guo (Designate)China
Ms. Iwona Lula (Designate)Poland

The Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres offers a report each year.  

We learned that almost 108 million people were pushed into extreme poverty in 2021 because of the pandemic. Those living in poverty which is ($1.90 per day) was raised to 711 million (as of June 2021). The undernourished increased worldwide. Food insecurity increased by 30.4 per cent (2.4 billion people, an increase of 318 million from 2019). Please read the GA’s report and his six recommendations. He is hopeful that Agenda 2030 will still be met.

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In addition to the Secretary-General ‘s report, Civil Society produces a declaration. This declaration is what we as civil society see is needed to end poverty, hunger and other issues in the following years. 

We invite you to share the Declaration in your networks! All signatures received by NGOs and individuals around the world will be shared with Governments and the United Nations at the opening of the 60th session of the Commission for Social Development on February 7th, 2022. Click here to view the Civil Society Declaration | Sign in support of the Civil Society Declaration 2022!

 The Declaration proposes the following recommendations:

  1. Build Forward Better by ending discrimination and investing in human dignity and wellbeing 
  2. End Hunger: Building resilience for food security everywhere
  3. Build towards a green recovery: decent jobs, green transition 
  4. Bridge the digital divide to access fundamental rights 

The Civil Society Declaration contains a ten-point Call to Action. The Call to Action is creative and doable. Here are some of the proponents of the document: 

  1. Invest in social security guarantees and access to health care and basic income
  2. Establish a Global Fund for Social Protection
  3. Expand adequate housing for all
  4. Ensure all are equal before the law
  5. Scale up food systems, lower costs of nutritious food, improve sustainable practices
  6. Strive for coherence in all spheres of life
  7. Promote decent work
  8. Eliminate discrimination and other barriers to decent work
  9. Promote universal internet as a right
  10. Support North /South technology through investments in infrastructure .

 Please read the Declaration and sign it. The more signatures we have from people like you and me the more importance it takes on. We need your affirmation.

One more thing to assist you to follow along during the CSocD60. The Justice Coalition of Religious (JCOR) developed a guide that contains the schedules of the UN events, Civil Society Forum, slides, links to the UN website as well as social media. It’s an all-inclusive guide to this Commission. Please take advantage of it. It is an excellent tool. JCOR is made up of twenty religious’ congregations. The Dominican Leadership Conference is among the JCOR members.

I look forward to seeing you here at the CSOCD 60.

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