Sustainable Development Goal Summit

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The Secretary General of the UN has called for a Sustainable Development Goal Summit this coming fall.

It is the halfway point of the fulfillment of the SDG’s.  It’s time to look at all the possible ways to rescue the SDGs and bring them to a successful conclusion. We know that Covid set back many countries from achieving the fulfillment of the SDG’s. But now is the time for the wealthier countries to step up to the plate and make a difference in finance and achievement of the seventeen sustainable development goals.

Sunday September 17th is being labeled as SDG Acceleration Day at the UN. This day will build on the twelve high impact initiatives that the UN development system is mobilizing. The initiatives correspond with Six major SDG transitions. The day will include key components e.g.

  • Segments that are both High-level Opening and Closing 
  • High Impact sessions
  • Parallel sessions identifying where development and gender equality is in crisis 
  • Side events to be identified through an open call.

Have you memorized the 17 SDG goals?  Have you addressed them in your ministry in some way? What are two goals you are working on in ministry, home or work?  We would love to hear how you are trying to make the goals part of your everyday experience.

The Summit propose a more robust political declaration that will serve as a road map for putting the world back on track.

Why not read these documents for additional information and educate yourself more fully on the content of the summit.  You can review the Sustainable Development Report here.

There is a Special Edition of the SDG progress report as well.

The co-facilitators of the Summit from Ireland and Qatar have circulated a draft declaration to all on July 21. The hope is that this document will facilitate the member states to reach both a compromise and consensus.

For more informed aspects of the Summit, please log on to the SDG Summit website.

To receive the latest updates on the SDG Summit and how to become involved, sign up here.

A New Project working with girls across the Globe.A white diamond shaped object on a black background Description automatically generated

One of the Projects that we are developing here at the UN is a Dominican Global Girls Connect.

We are matching students from Zimbabwe with girls here in the U.S.

In June I gave a presentation to the Dominican High School Preaching Conference on this project and in July I gave a presentation to the Dominican Sisters of Africa meeting in Kenya.

I have received such a positive and enthusiastic response from girls both here in the U.S. and in Africa.  All of this is in preparation for participation in the “International Day of the Girl “and Girls “Speak Out.” This is the tenth anniversary of the girls Speak Out.  I’m thrilled that I have so many young girls who want to participate in this adventure. 

Below is a reflection from one of the Girls in Zimbabwe from this month after a call with twelve girls from Zimbabwe who are part of the Dominican Global Girls Connect Working Group on Girls Advocacy Initiative.  I hope you enjoy her reflection.

“Women are being oppressed all around the world today and we as Dominicans have decided to engage the young in issues of women empowerment. It is important because we will be able to create a platform for women to share what they believe in a community that they feel safe and will be able to open and speak of the social oppressions they would be facing. It also creates an impact in the way women are involved in activities like decision making or involvement in parliamentary activities. this mainly builds their confidence and ability to stand for their rights. As the young of today we believe that this can be done through the use of platforms such as the internet and our local communities to spread awareness on issues of women empowerment. Therefore, as I conclude, I believe that together we can work to make a difference and change people’s perspective on issues of women and women’s involvement in activities.”

from Praise Kayanga , St Dominic’s High school in Harare, Zimbabwe.