SDG Summit 2023

Before the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly is the SDG Summit 2023. These days are so important for the completion of the 17 Development Goals. It is the midterm.  The decisions and promises made here will determine the fulfillment of these goals or not. 

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We know the pandemic interrupted lives and programs globally.  But it does not mean we have to stop working towards their fulfillment.  We must keep our promises for the sake of the whole world. The themes of Strengthening our commitments, Sharing the progress made to date, and the desire to Accelerate action are what these two days are about. 

We encourage you to follow what is happening during these days online. Log onto This will be a significant way for you to connect to the UN and learn what needs to be accomplished for the SDGs to truly come to fruition. The G20 recognized this week that only 12% of the SDG 2030 are on track. 

We look forward to seeing you at the UN General Assembly 78.

The first day of the SDG Mobilization Day will be September 16. The summit will cover some of the following topics listed here.

  • Towards a Rights-Centered Gender-Transformative Economy, including a
    new international financial architecture. 
  • Breaking Down the Barriers to Leave No One Behind 
  • Catalyzing Transformative Change: Science, academia and the journey to 2030 
  • Torchbearers for the SDGs: Meaningful youth engagement & the 2030 agenda 
  • Local & Regional Governments Forum: Action and Leadership from the Ground Up: Towards the rescue plan for people and the planet 
  • Enhancing Advocacy, Financing, and Accountability: Key messages from civil society to the SDG summit and beyond 
  • Unlocking the Potential of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs):
    Meeting the financing gap 

The SDG Acieration Day, September 17, will cover some of the following areas:

  • Energy Compacts: Scaling up ambition to deliver on SDGs.
  • Food Systems Transformation: Transforming food systems for a sustainable world without hunger. 
  • Future Gov: Building public sector capabilities for the future. 
  • Transforming Education: Learning to build a better future for all.
  • Transforming4Trade: A paradigm shift to boost economic development. 
  • Local2030 Coalition: Pushing key transitions and achieving the SDGs by 2030. 
  • Power of Data: Unlocking the data dividend for the SDGs.
  • Nature Driving Economic Transformation 
  • Global Accelerator: The Global Accelerator on jobs and social protection for just transitions. 
  • Spotlight Initiative: To eliminate violence against women and girls. 
  • Digital Public Infrastructure: Scaling inclusive and open digital ecosystems for the SDGs.
  • The SDG Stimulus: Scaling up long-term affordable financing for the SDGs. 

Following the Sustainable Development Goals review begins the General Assembly of the 78th Session of the United Nations. 

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This is an important gathering of all the heads of states/nations in the world. Over 192 Nations will be represented at the Assembly. It is a significant time in the life of the United Nations.  This assembly of heads of state/nations is the visible sign of the United Nations. Each leader represents an important dimension of the United Nations. It is time for them to engage in person with each other to make decisions and to review promises made on behalf of the world.