UN Update

Every other month the Justice Coalition of Religious at the UN hosts a Global Community Hour.  As members of the JCOR, I want to invite you all to consider joining one of these community hours. The next one is October 13, 8:00 – 9:00 am. Here is the link to the call. This call is a follow-up on the Season of Creation that we all just encountered from September 1-October 4th. It would be an excellent opportunity to share how we Dominicans celebrated, honored the Season of Creation and what we are doing on behalf of our planet for the sake of all.  I look forward to your joining the Global Community Hour. The meeting will convene on the second Friday of October click here to register all partners in mission. 

Please contact communications@jcor2030.org with any questions.

A poster for a community hour Description automatically generated

The International Dominican Commission on Justice and Peace was held in Nairobi, Kenya October 1st to 5th. It was an energetic meeting with almost a whole new cast of promoters. It was also the first in-person meeting since October 2019 and Fr. Aniedi Okure, OP, first in-person meeting with the promoters. It was really a wonderful collection of people from all over the world. The commission members were from the Philippines, England, the U.S., Brazil, Venezuela, Nigeria, Benin, and Italy. It was a gathering of the whole Dominican family, Laity, Young Adults, friars, brothers and sisters. The seventeen-member commission discussed issues ranging from migration, conflict, war, and Africa and its context as this was the first meeting of the commission outside of Europe. 

We have committed to identifying projects that we will promote on the Order’s webpage. It will be a place to showcase if you will the work of the commission around the world. Look for articles from the commission in the following months. We hope to present projects from the congregations of both women and men. We believe this will give a a. more informed picture of the justice and peace work that our brothers and sisters are engaged in at this time.

We circulated a few ideas of potential meeting places next year at this same time. Possible venues might be, Angola, Amazon, Brazil, or other parts of the world. The venue still needed to be determined. We meet again in four months and at that time we will come to a consensus of our meeting places.